Save Money When Moving In Winnipeg Or Across The World, Here Are 5 Tips

How to save money when moving in Winnipeg or across the world.

“I need to move, but I can’t afford to spend a ton of money to get my things moved.” Sound familiar? Moving in Winnipeg, as well as moving across country can certainly be expensive! While doing it yourself can save you money on your move, it can be very difficult to get help, coupled with the fact that you are responsible for any damage, and can therefore be way more stressful than hiring a local Winnipeg moving company.

The good news is that there are things you can do to help cut down on your Winnipeg moving costs.

Here are 5 things that you can do to cut down on the cost when your Moving in Winnipeg:

We know the mere thought of moving can cause you to stress about money, but if you are able to do even a small portion yourself, it can go a long way. See how Quick Transfer takes the stress out of moving in Winnipeg

1. Cut down on your things

Moving companies in Winnipeg base their price on the number of things that are moved whether that be furniture or boxes.

If there are things that you haven’t used in a while, or that are sitting in the corner collecting dust, get rid of them. You can donate them to a local thrift store, or you can have a yard sale, and make some money getting rid of unused items.

2. Pack yourself

Most Winnipeg moving companies do offer packing services for your move, and that can sometimes be easier than trying to pack your entire house by yourself. That being said, if you are trying to cut down on moving costs, consider packing yourself.

3. Get your own packing supplies

If you have a lot of belongings to move, getting supplies for your move can add. While your local Winnipeg moving company has supplies for purchase, if you are looking to save money, there are some other options.

Use what you have around your home. For instance, suitcases can become handy when trying to save money, as well as old Rubbermaid totes. If you need cartons, go and talk to your local grocery store or local liquor store. These places all have cartons that you can use at little or no cost.

A third option is to check on Kijiji Winnipeg or Craigslist. People sometimes list old cartons in an effort to get rid of them which would .

4. Schedule your move in Winnipeg during off-peak season

Summer is usually the busiest time of year in the Winnipeg moving industry. Many families take advantage of moving when school is out. If you have an option, and are trying to save a few dollars, moving during the off-peak season can certainly help. Talk to your moving consultant to see what your local Winnipeg moving company can do for you.

5. Unpack yourself

While unpacking services are available from most moving companies in Winnipeg if you need them, you can also unpack yourself if you are looking to save a few dollars.

All in all, while Winnipeg moving costs can add up quickly there are somethings that you can do to cut down on moving costs.

It is important to note that all of these cost cutting alternatives hinge on one thing, time.  Make sure to leave yourself enough time to properly pack and rid yourself of things.

Rushed packing can result in damage and those costs can add up quickly. Don’t fool yourself, you always have more than you think you have. Make sure to leave yourself a few weeks to pack for your local Winnipeg move and get everything together. This way you can do a thorough job and limit throwing things into boxes for times sake.

If you are looking to have your things moved in Winnipeg locally or you are moving across Canada, make sure to contact us here for a free moving quote.

We are Manitoba’s top moving company with the ability to service anywhere in Manitoba as well as across the country.

Contact us to see what we can do for you!