Pack Up Your Books: Moving Your Personal Library

How to pack up your books At this point in our blogs, we have covered a couple of different topics. We have covered topics such as, how to properly pack liquids, how to pack up your garage, and how to pack up your basement. In this blog, were going to cover how to pack up books. While this may seem …

Getting Organized In Your New Home: Getting Your Kitchen Up And Running

How to unpack your kitchen (when getting organized in your new home) You have moved, and all your furniture is in place. As you scan each room, you notice that there are what feels like a thousand boxes that need to be unpacked. While at first glance, it may feel overwhelming, don’t sweat it. You will be able to get …

When’s It Time To Move From An Apartment in Winnipeg?

How do you know when it’s time to upgrade your apartment? The Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said that, “The only thing that is constant is change.” I believe he was quite right. Your living situation is no different. There are a wide variety of reasons to move from an apartment in Winnipeg, but how do you know when it’s time …

How Much It Costs To Move In Winnipeg: Factors To Consider

What are some of the factors to consider when breaking down a move in Winnipeg? When you are thinking about moving, there can be a number of costs to consider. As you break down how much it costs to move in Winnipeg, it can help to break down your move into 3 categories; origin costs, moving costs, and destination costs. …

Moving To A New City In Canada, Packing Up Your Garage

How to pack a garage When your thinking about moving to a new city in Canada, packing can be a large obstacle in the moving process. People usually think that they don’t actually have that much until it comes time to pack, and all of a sudden they realize that they actually have a lot of stuff! Don’t worry, you’ll …

Moving Across the Country, Protect Your Things From Your Liquids

What liquids to pack, and how to pack them when moving across the country When you’re moving across the country, there are a lot of factors to consider. While we get many FAQ’s (frequently asked questions), some of the most frequent questions we get asked revolve around packing. After all, when you’re moving across the country, it is a major …

Moving across Canada

Moving Across Canada, Best Way To Get Settled In

What’s the best way to unpack? You needed to move. Whether it was for work, or to be closer to family, or just cause you felt like it, you decided it was time to consider moving across Canada. Your move across Canada is now done, and your things are now in your home. You look around, and all you can …

Move in Canada

Move In Canada, How To Avoid A Scam During Your Move

How do you hire the right mover? “I’m looking to move and want to hire a mover for my long distance move in Canada, but there are so many movers in Canada, how do I know which ones are good and which ones aren’t?” Is this a question that you have found yourself asking as you begin to think about …

Moving: the new fall cleaning? Tips to de-clutter before your move

Moving in Winnipeg: an opportunity to de-clutter Fall can be a great time to move locally in Winnipeg. With school starting, you may find yourself with more time on your hands as your kids are gone most of the day. While moving in Winnipeg can be a big job, it can also be an opportunity to start fresh, as well …

Save Money When Moving In Winnipeg Or Across The World, Here Are 5 Tips

How to save money when moving in Winnipeg or across the world. “I need to move, but I can’t afford to spend a ton of money to get my things moved.” Sound familiar? Moving in Winnipeg, as well as moving across country can certainly be expensive! While doing it yourself can save you money on your move, it can be …