Prepare Your Home Office For A Move: 6 Things You Need To Consider Before Move Day

What you need to consider

While moving can be challenging for most families, having one or more family members who work from home can add another layer of complexity to the move.  Not only are you uprooting where you live, but also where you work as well. While working at home certainly has it privileges like a short commute, moving can create stress as you search for a home that not only fits your budget, but also fits your work life. If you’re someone who works at home, and are moving in the coming months, here are some things to consider as you begin to prepare your home office for a move.

Here are 6 things that you need to consider in advance, as you prepare your home office for a move.

How quickly you need to get up and running?

As you start to prepare your home office for a move, one first determinations you need to make is, how far away are you moving. If you’re moving long distance across Canada, then it may make more sense for you to take some essential office equipment such as laptops, or computer with you in order to get up and running while the non-essentials travel with your furniture. If you’re moving across the city, it may not be as big of a concern.

Do you have any confidential files?

As you begin to prepare your home office for a move, one of the things that you need to consider is, whether or not you have any confidential files that need to be moved. If you do have confidential files that are moving long distance, two options may be to use lock-able totes, or a lockable file vault. If you’re moving locally in Winnipeg, a viable option may simply be to transport those separately from your household shipment and handle them yourself.

Have you backed your data up?

It goes without saying, that as you prepare your home office for a move, you don’t want anything to happen to your data. While your movers will of course be careful with electronics, one thing they have no control over is the temperature and weather. For example, cold weather can have an impact on electronics and can cause damage. Backing your data up is just another way of ensuring that you’ll be up and running as quickly as possible with little downtime.

Do you have a plan for the destination home?

As you prepare your home office for a move, one of the considerations that you need to make is how things will be set up at your new home. By this, we don’t mean simply thinking to yourself, “oh, this room would make a good office”, rather taking time to measure and make sure that things will fit where you want them. The last thing both you and your movers want, is to realize mid-delivery that your desk doesn’t fit down the stairs, or that it won’t fit into the alcove. There are some free programs that you can use to make up a floor plan for your new office.

Do you know how everything connects?

Making sure that you understand how everything fits together is also important as you prepare your home office for a move. While you may have installed your computer and printer yourself a couple of years ago, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll remember how things fit together at your new residence. Make sure that you take some time to take pictures of everything, or label cords as you begin disassembling things.

Do you have the original packaging for any of your devices?

As you prepare your home office for a move, one of the considerations that you need to go through is whether you have any of the original packaging for any of your products. While it isn’t absolutely imperative, it may be beneficial if you are able to utilize the original carton to pack your goods into, as they can provide a safe and secure method of transportation to your new residence. If you don’t have the packaging for some of your electronics, make sure to ask us how we can help you prepare your home office with our packing service.

As you begin to go about preparing for your upcoming move, make sure that you begin to prepare and plan as far in advance as you can. While it isn’t always possible, by preparing in advance, you can ensure that everything is thought through and that helps to ensure a smooth and seamless move. If you need help with move preparation, here are some more tips on how to plan and organize yourself for an upcoming move.

If you’re moving in the near future, make sure to give Quick Transfer a call. With over 50 years of experience as one of Manitoba’s most trusted movers, our team has the knowledge and expertise to make your move as seamless and stress free as possible. Whether you’re moving locally, or long distance, no job is too big, nor too small. If you need help during your upcoming move, make sure to give Quick Transfer a call!