Moving With Kids; Long Distance Move Within Canada

Moving With Kids – Long distance move within Canada Preparation for your upcoming long distance move within Canada is stressful enough to begin with – but trying to do it with children in tow can add a whole new level to your stress if you don’t know what to do. What can seem like a straight forward process can blow …

Local moving in Winnipeg during the Summer: How to be ready

Moving during the summer Summer is the busiest time of the year in the moving industry. With kids out of school, and warm weather, local moving in Winnipeg is enticing. It’s easier to get the contents of your garage, shed and other outdoor items ready to move. You don’t have to fight the cold to disassemble things. Along with that, …

The Hidden Costs To Moving Yourself: What You Don’t Think About

The hidden costs of moving yourself For your upcoming move, you have looked into moving with a professional. After obtaining quotes from a couple of moving companies, you saw a sign to rent a truck at what seemed like a reasonable $19.95. You look at your quotes again, and decide, “hey, I can do this myself with help from some …

Winnipeg Local Move: How Your Movers Should Protect Your Home

What movers should do to protect your home on moving day – Winnipeg local move It has been said that moving is one of the top three most stressful things in life. When you step back to take a look at everything that goes into a Winnipeg local move, or any move in general, you can certainly understand why. If …

Local Move In Winnipeg: How To Prepare For Rain

Moving in the rain Moving day is finally here. You have spent the past few weeks going through your things in preparation of your local move in Winnipeg. You have sifted through things, packed up what you’re taking, and are awaiting your movers. You look outside and see some dark clouds overhead. As you prepare for your local move in …

Moving Long Distance From Winnipeg: Dealing With Culture Shock

Long distance moving from Winnipeg – Culture shock Whether you realize it or not, culture shock can be a real challenge in long distance moving. While culture shock is typically associated with moving overseas or cross border, make no mistake, it can happen to people moving within Canada as well. When you’re moving long distance from Winnipeg, no matter your …

How To Pack Your Office: Getting Organized For Your Move

How to pack your office in preparation for your move When you’re moving, one of the rooms that is often dreaded, and subsequently left to pack until the end is the office. It’s often dreaded, because it can be the room with some of the most clutter. You often don’t know where to start as you determine how to pack …

Office Moving In Winnipeg: Beware The Low Cost Provider

What to expect from your providers during your upcoming office move. Office moving in Winnipeg is a necessity in todays workplace. With the emphasis placed on cutting costs, and staying on, or finishing the year below budget, office moving in Winnipeg may be an inevitability. You may be getting a number of quotes and doing your do-diligence. While office moving …

Moving Into An Apartment In Winnipeg: Get Your Deposit Back

Apartment moving in Winnipeg When you’re moving into an apartment in Winnipeg, there can be a significant amount of logistics to figure out. This can include items such as: getting packed, getting your lease signed, finding a mover, coordinating moving day etc. One of the big things that can get lost in the shuffle is setting yourself up to get …

Storing Your Goods In Winnipeg: Get Your Home Ready For The Summer

Spring cleaning, to tidy up your home With spring officially here, so is spring cleaning. While it may not be the most glamorous time of year with all the melting snow, it is certainly a great time to get your home ready, decluttered, and organized for summer. One of the best ways to declutter your home is by storing your …